2024 Newsletter

“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.” Matt 25:40

A note from the founder:

When I pause and look back at God’s faithfulness, I am usually at a loss for words. Words that could not accurately describe or do justice to my God’s grace, mercy and steadfastness. He continues to remind me (in spite of my imperfections) how deeply He loves me. How deeply He loves you. How deeply He loves the children and families we have the privilege of serving. 2023 was another hard year of uncertainty and trials for the people of Haiti.

Can I be completely transparent with you? I had many moments of tears and feelings of defeat. Wanting to DO more. SERVE more. HELP more. Like any good, kind, loving father, He listened to all of it. But also like any good, kind, loving father – He would not let me wallow in it. He assured me that He’s still very much in control! He reminded me that He flung the stars into space and knows them by name! He reminded me that not one single hair falls from my head that He doesn’t know about. He reminded me that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are so much higher then my own. He reminded me that He is faithful to finish what He started.

Friends, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your continued faithfulness, prayers and support of this ministry. My promise to you, as long as God has me here, is to be faithful to do my part.



1 – A note from the founder

2 – 2022-2023 Class SCA

3 – Meet the SCA Staff

4 – AG Program/Jobs

5 – With Gratitude

6 – How you can help

Sorbonne Christian Academy (SCA)

SCA opened its doors Sept 2019 to 37 students. Today we have an enrollment of 215 students for 2023- 2024 school year. They start each day with devotions and move into a robust curriculum of reading, writing and math along with band and soccer. The kids love their school. On a visit to Haiti, a mom shared that her child cried on Saturday because there was no school. We believe that education and training are key to eliminating poverty.

Pictured above is the primary students for 2023 and below is our 2023 kindergarten graduating class.

What’s next for SCA?

With the continued growth and student body advancing each year we will be looking to begin the construction for a High School on the current school campus by 2025.

Meet Kensley:

Kensley is in the 4th grade and has been a student at Sorbonne Christian Academy since the school opened in September 2019. Kensley loves school and playing soccer. His favorite subject is math.

Meet the SCA Staff

Our school staff, pictured above and below, is a team of 23 dedicated professionals. Every student faces a brighter future because of the combined efforts of the SCA staff. We couldn’t do this without them and are forever grateful for their commitment to sharing Jesus and delivering an excellent education each day to the students..

Agriculture Program

Sponsored by our partner Durham Evangelical Church, NH

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

Lao Tzu

Meet Zamor our chief Agronomist. He runs our agriculture training program and educates our students along with the community on sustainable farming practices. He employs several locals to help with our garden and trains them on farming techniques. The produce grown feeds our students and is sold at the market to offset school costs.

You Make a Difference!

Operation Outpour offered the opportunity to donate during the Giving Tuesday event this past November we raised funds for Christmas baskets to give to the families of students in dire need. With several generous donations we were able to provide food and hygiene products to multiple families. We received letters from the families expressing their gratitude. One father, Sonel, expressed his heart this way: “Thank you for all of your help and support. We received the food and hygiene supplies and they were so needed. Our country is in a very hard place. As a father, I am so very grateful for all you have done. May God bless you. My heart” Sonel cannot read or write. He had someone write this for him however his child is learning to read and write as a student at SCA.


Below are letters from a few of the students.

Ketoura 4th Grade:

Her letter contained the message, “Thank you for all you have done for us.”

Polina 5th Grade:

“Thank you for making the Christmas season so special. All the children in my class were so very happy. May God bless you abundantly.”

Kensley 5th Grade:

“I’m honored to write you this letter to thank you for your support. May God protect you and keep you in good health. We love you.”

“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.” Matt 25:40

How Can I Help?

Pray for:

  • There is much unrest in Haiti, pray for peace.
  • Protection for the people of Haiti, our students and families.
  • God’s guidance, wisdom, and discernment as Operation Outpour moves forward with new projects.

Partner With Us:

$50 a month will provide a child with school tuition, a meal, books, school supplies, and uniforms. Consider co-sponsoring with a friend or group. You can send a monthly gift of $50 or a yearly gift of $600 directly to Operation Outpour at our PO Box or donate through the donation button at operationoutpour.org.

Operationoutpour.org PO Box 580271, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 [email protected]

Product Enquiry