February 2025/Vol 2

We are so excited for 2025!
Are you as excited for Spring as much as I am? There is something about knowing Spring is on the horizon whether it’s tulips and daffodils poking through the ground or just walking around home stores and seeing all of the preparation for warmer days ahead. It just reminds me of how much God is in control…His creation transforms season after season with new life always at the forefront.
We cannot shout from the rooftops enough that God is working in Haiti and our prayers are heard. Matthew 5:14 says “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden”. All of us are aware of the news coming out of Haiti, primarily the capital of Port au Prince. There is a darkness and evil there that only God can end and change the hearts of the most lost. However, in all of the darkness God’s love and light shines bright and our students have joy and are learning about their awesome God every day. As more people continue to leave the capital, we find ourselves blessed with more children to serve this coming fall and additional highly qualified teachers and staff.
Another very exciting addition to our school is our new nurse as of February 1st. What a blessing for our school, staff and their families. More on her inside this edition.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Jenn Douma, Director & Founder

Food Basket Distribution
Earlier this month the school was able to distribute food baskets to 40 families that needed extra support. The baskets were received with such gratitude and thankfulness. All of it was possible because of you, our faithful donors. On behalf of all the recipients and their families, thank you.

This Issue:
- Message from Jenn 1
- Food Basket Distribution 1
- Harvest Day 2
- Meet our Nurse 2
Did you know?
You can sponsor the salary of one of our teachers? $250 a month

Harvest Day!!

What a bounty!! We loved seeing these pictures of the most recent garden harvest that Zamor and the kids produced. The older children plant the garden with Zamor and then the younger ones participate in the harvest. Most would think that Haiti could grow vegetables year round but that simply is not true unless you have a reliable water source. The rainy season in Haiti is April to October. This is when the crops can be grown without additional water. However, because of our past donors there is a community well and a well for the school. Zamor, our Master Gardener, is able to produce a minimum of two harvests a year and sometimes three. He stressed the importance of improving the soil’s health in between each crop produced. The produce grown by Zamor and our students is all consumed by the school. More importantly our students are learning how to grow their own food.

We are so excited to introduce our newest staff member, Ms. Keshna. She is a licensed nurse who is from the city of Mirebalais and is married with three young children. They will be enrolling in Sorbonne Christian Academy this fall! We are so excited to provide this vital need to our students and their families.